
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Preserving with germ-free process

By: Bambang Djanuwardi

In principle there are 2 ways to get food free from germs is by sterilization and pasteurization. Sterilization can be done naturally premises heating equipment at a temperature above the boiling point to kill germs, viruses, spores and fungi.
The sterilization using chemicals commonly used antiseptic such as alcohol, mercury and alkali. How chemicals can also use a disinfectant to prevent infection of microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses. Type commonly used disinfectant is chlorine or formaldehyde.

Preservation of food / beverage


By:Bambang Djanuwardi

There are many preservation methods such as a natural , biological and chemical means.
Preserved naturally include heating and cooling .The principle with heating is to kill microorganisms that can cause material damage. While cooling either to lethal microorganisms, also can inhibit the potential food harmful microorganisms. Biological preservation methods such as fermentation, and using enzymes. Fermentation as in processes, like change carbohydrates into alcohol. 

 While the chemical preservation, use chemicals to preserve. These chemicals are often used for preservation, among others proplonat acid to prevent growth of mold / fungi, citric acid, benzoate, sulfate salt, chlorine, nitrite and nitrate ,burp and other. Preservation using chemicals often found in the market, because of practical, easy and inexpensive.

Pests / Diseases of Curcuma zedoaria


 By: Bambang Djanuwardi

In planting
Curcuma zedoaria  there are pests that can cause health problems such plants wilt disease caused by the bacterium Ralstonia solanacearum. Plants are attacked by bacteria Curcuma zedoaria this will cause leaf yellowing symptoms, and then will roll.The rhizome will wringkling and stinging stink. To avoid or reduce the potential for these bacteria attacked, the seed crop should be taken from healthy plants. Use of antibiotics or pesticides botanical formula made from ginger or gambier flour.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The danger of Artificial Sweeteners

By :Bambang Djanuwardi

Sugar prices are expensive. Therefore many food traders try to use the artificial sweetener to mix or anticipate for the cost of food products can be cheaper. Yet we know that every artificial ingredient usually entails risk as well as artificial sweetener. Some even say that the adverse impact of the use of artificial sweeteners is almost identical to the adverse effects the use of formalin. Not scary?
One of the effect of artificial sweeteners such as headache / migraine, dizziness, nausea, muscle cramps, obesity, itching, depression, fatigue, irritability, drowsiness, insomnia, blindness, deafness, shortness of breath, anxiety, loss of sense of taste, palpitations, vertigo.

The danger Ingredients Food Preservatives

By:Bambang Djanuwardi
Actually existing Indonesia government regulations that govern the use of food preservatives namely the Ministerof Health Regulation No. 722/Menkes/Per/IX/1988. One of the food preservative that we often hear is formalin (for preservative corpse?). The impact as a result of consuming food that contain formaldehyde, among others, throat and stomach was burning, pain during swallowing, the possibility of bleeding, severe abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, hypotension (low blood pressure), headaches, seizures, unconsciousness untilcoma (acute effects). Impact of chronic irritation to the respiratory tract arise, vomiting and headache, burning sensation in the throat, decreased body temperature and itching in the chest. When consumed chronic can causecancer. Addition can also be damage to the liver, heart, brain, spleen, pancreas, central nervous system andkidneys.

The danger substance artificial dyes


 By :Bambang Djanuwardi

Often we find food / drink with a very flashy colors such as beverages in schools. Staining food / beverage is usually to create attraction for consumers. Children will be very interested in the snacks of ice that color red. Or snack in the form of candy color also made very attractive.

Curcuma zedoaria a herbal medicine


 By Bambang Djanuwardi

Curcuma zedoaria is a rhizome plant that can be categorized as a herbal medicine. This plant grows well in a rather loose soil, with little shade there. From this plant after rhizome old enough, can be harvested by pull or dig plants and cut / taken it’s rhizome.
Rhizome of Curcuma zedoaria  contain essential oils, so it can be used as a flavoring food, or drink, even one as well as medicinal materials and herbal medicines.
To get these essential oils, can be done by distillation. According to some sources, the results of laboratory tests showed that the content in Curcuma zedoaria there are more than 23 kinds of compounds. One of the compounds have the properties as the analgesic or relieve pain.

Tumeric as a herbal medicine

By Bambang Djanuwardi

 Javanese people say Kunir. In the Indonesian language commonly called Kunyit. Saffron or turmeric include herbs that form the root rhizome. Tumeric in some cases can be used as medicine, or people say as herbal medicine.
Size of rhizome varies until it reaches 10 cm in length, but mostly average or long rhizomes reach 5-7 cm.
In everyday life spice turmeric is used for kitchen or as a coloring agent such as the yellow rice or tofu.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Reference planting turmeric

by: Bambang Djanuwardi

Turmeric, including plants that live in tropical areas. In terms of plant morphology, this plant belonged herb that grows to form the roots of rhizomes. Forms tubers or roots of rhizome elongated oval and formed a branch with yellow-orange color to the brass. This plant is suitable planting in areas with average temperatures between 15 to 35 degrees Celsius, with land height from 0 meters above sea level to 1200 m above sea level. Land required for good growth in the range of acidity (ph) of 4 to 7.

Reference to cultivating Curcuma zedoaria

By Bambang Djanuwardi

Curcuma zedoaria was categorized of herbaceous plants with rhizome roots that are embedded in the ground. The form of Rhizome Curcuma zedoaria is long oval-shaped, with diameter of about 0.5 to 1.5 cm, and brown skin color of shiny, slippery and very thin. These plants can be classified as annual/seasonal crops or more than one season.