1. Essential oils or volatile oils as much as 6% (including sesquiterpene ketone, turmeron, tumeon 60%, 25% Zingiberen, felandren, sabinen, borneol and sineil) class of compounds consisting of monoterpenes, and
2. Curcuminoid as much as 5% (including 50-60% curcumin, monodesmetoksicurcumin and bidesmetoksicurcumin). Curcuminoid is a yellow pigment in turmeric.
3. 3. Carbohydrate 3%
4. Protein 30%
5. 1-3% fat
6. Starch 8%
7. Vitamin C 45-55%
8. Mineral salts (iron, phosphorus, and calcium)
From chemical component turned out to curcuminoid is most often noted for its content. In cucrcuminoid, compound curcumin is the largest component, so that often the total curcuminoid levels calculated with unit% curcumin. Therefore some phytochemical and pharmacological studies both with more emphasis on curcumin.
With components - chemical components it contains, turmeric has many benefits. In addition to frequently used as a spice, turmeric is often used as an ingredient because it contains curcuminoid dyes. Turmeric is a natural dye that is very effective. Besides, turmeric more widely used as a flavoring. The higher content of essential oil, the stronger the taste and aroma of saffron. The higher content of its curcumin, the greater the strength of coloring.
sources: Health secret of Turmeric (Kunyit), PT Elex Media Komputindo, Jakarta, 2011
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