
Saturday, October 8, 2011

Turmeric and diabetes

Turmeric is widely used as a spice in Asian cooking can help address the inflammation associated with obesity and lower risk of type 2 diabetes. The researchers Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center at Columbia University Medical Center found that turmeric-treated mice are less prone to develop type 2 diabetes based on the results of blood sugar and insulin and glucose tolerance. Prevalence of diabetes and hyperlipidemia increased from year to year. Both of these diseases is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease is the cause of death in Indonesia since 1995. In people with diabetes mellitus in Indonesia reached 0.8 to 6.1 percent of the population. In 2000, cases of obesity reached 17.5%. Obesity is a risk factor for diabetes and hyperlipidemia. Diabetes can be a factor in the occurrence of hyperlipidemia, or vice versa, so that one can simultaneously suffer from both diseases. In the treatment of diabetes frequently used combinations of drugs to enhance the healing effects, as well as on the treatment of hyperlipidemia.  

The researchers also found that obese mice fed turmeric showed significant reduction in inflammation in fat tissue and liver compared to the comparison group. Allegedly curcumin, the active ingredient of anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidants in the turmeric reduce insulin resistance and prevent type 2 diabetes in mice with a blunted inflammatory response dpicu obesity. According to the researchers, is still too early to say whether the increased intake of food through turmeric curcumin in obese people with diabetes will show a similar efficacy. Despite the daily intake should be consumed by a person as a diabetic may not be practical, not tetutup possibility that lower doses of curcumin can complement traditional medicine as a natural and safe medicine. The findings were published in endocrinology and presented in Endo, the annual Endocrine Society meeting in San Francisco. (Source: Health secret of turmeric (turmeric), PT Elex Press, 2011)

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