If vomiting is often a bit of acid, increased body temperature, pallor, poor appetite, if you're an empty stomach ache, pain and tightness at the top, gut pain to sometimes - sometimes makes us wake up at night, defecating irregular, sometimes constipation or diarrhea, we should be suspicious ulcer was whack us. The most popular term for this disease is ulcers.
Ulcer itself is a vocabulary of Dutch, which means the hull, which later on became Indonesianising maag. So it is actually a sick stomach ulcer. Generally, the disease that often occurs in people with blood type O is in the form of inflammation of the mucous membranes (mucosa) stomach (gastritis) or gastric mucosal injury (gastric ilcer) are known as peptic ulcers (ulcus pepticum)
In the circumstances there is pain ulcers - ulcers in the gastric mucosa. Ulcers caused by the imbalance of pepsin and gastric acid secretion of mucus (gastric mucosa glands of products). Because the stomach is located in the upper abdomen slightly to the left (solar plexus), the patient complained of pain in that section.
Culprit of this disease is a substance that can either inhibit gastric acid secretion. Eg histamine and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory. Besides hard work, mind tense, edgy or lack of sleep also causes high levels of stomach acid. Often late eating, drinking acidic drugs on an empty stomach, drink alcoholic beverages and excessive smoking can also cause this disease. Similarly pylory Helicobacter bacterial infection that can invade gastric submucosal layer.
Based on the cause before, healing is done by neutralizing stomach acid, reduce gastric acid production, treat infections of the gastric mucous membrane, and reduce pain caused by irritation of the mucous membranes of the stomach wall or muscle spasms. Medicine, antacid, anthihistamin, anticholinergics, demulcent (to reduce local irritation on stomach ulcers, and physically protect the cells underneath to contact with irritants from the outside). Especially for stomach pain due to infection pylory treatment using antibiotics. To the patient are also suggested to eat small amounts but often.
Sources: Health Secret of Tumeric (Kunyit), PT Elex Media Komputindo, Jakarta, 2011.
Ulcer itself is a vocabulary of Dutch, which means the hull, which later on became Indonesianising maag. So it is actually a sick stomach ulcer. Generally, the disease that often occurs in people with blood type O is in the form of inflammation of the mucous membranes (mucosa) stomach (gastritis) or gastric mucosal injury (gastric ilcer) are known as peptic ulcers (ulcus pepticum)
In the circumstances there is pain ulcers - ulcers in the gastric mucosa. Ulcers caused by the imbalance of pepsin and gastric acid secretion of mucus (gastric mucosa glands of products). Because the stomach is located in the upper abdomen slightly to the left (solar plexus), the patient complained of pain in that section.
Culprit of this disease is a substance that can either inhibit gastric acid secretion. Eg histamine and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory. Besides hard work, mind tense, edgy or lack of sleep also causes high levels of stomach acid. Often late eating, drinking acidic drugs on an empty stomach, drink alcoholic beverages and excessive smoking can also cause this disease. Similarly pylory Helicobacter bacterial infection that can invade gastric submucosal layer.
Based on the cause before, healing is done by neutralizing stomach acid, reduce gastric acid production, treat infections of the gastric mucous membrane, and reduce pain caused by irritation of the mucous membranes of the stomach wall or muscle spasms. Medicine, antacid, anthihistamin, anticholinergics, demulcent (to reduce local irritation on stomach ulcers, and physically protect the cells underneath to contact with irritants from the outside). Especially for stomach pain due to infection pylory treatment using antibiotics. To the patient are also suggested to eat small amounts but often.
Sources: Health Secret of Tumeric (Kunyit), PT Elex Media Komputindo, Jakarta, 2011.
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