
Saturday, October 1, 2011

Turmeric and joint pain

Spice turmeric is promising as a therapy for Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), or arthritis in the joints. In a study conducted experiments on a wild rats (rats living in sewers, gardens and fields) scientists from the University of Arizona in Tucson found that turmeric extracts can prevent inflammation of the joints in rodents is very similar to Rheumatoid arthritis in humans.
The findings are published in the medical journal Arthritis and Rheumatism, revealed for the first time that the juice over the spice turmeric that is known to be used as a spice in cooking has its anti rheumatic.
Rheumatoid arthritis occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks the tissue in the joints causing inflammation, pain and gradually to change form the joints.
In a study by scientists from the University of Arizona found turmeric contains the key elements of a protein called NF-kappa B that controls the activity of compounds that cause inflammation in the joints. NF-kappa B is now being targeted in a number of drugs that will be used for the inhibition of inflammation due to RA.

Despite proven benefits of new saffron for rats in dealing with RA, but the findings are expected to be very promising and very necessary to do clinical trials, research team leader Dr.Janet to Reuters L Funk said. The researchers argue that it has opened a greater chance that turmeric is also useful for people with problems RA. Funk and his colleagues do not use turmeric materials on the market, but they do manufacture their own juice with turmeric root.
Turmeric extract proved effective for mice that experienced swelling in the joints. But the researchers made a turmeric supplement composition to be analyzed for comparison. But it is still early for people with RA to immediately rush to the market to buy turmeric and make it as an intake that can be a bidder that they suffering RA.
Intake of supplements can not be equated with drug and consumers will not be able to guarantee the one product that contains content on the label. Even though the product is said to be of good quality, but still have to do clinical trials on the effectiveness of spice turmeric as a supplement for patients with RA, and the most basic there is not yet enough data to support that estimate.
Health Secret of Tumeric (Kunyit), PT Elex Media Komputindo, Jakarta, 2011.

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