
Saturday, October 1, 2011

Tip for a healthy eat

 The way people eat is often overlooked. Though the procedure can eat affect our health. Here are some tips to consider to maintain the health associated with eating the way we are:
• Eat only when hungry, but give a warm on our digestive system. So before we eat, drink water mixe with lemon juice and honey.
Wait for half an hour later we started to eat.
• Chew food well. Digestion begins in the mouth. Do not chew in a hurry.

• Eat foods rich in protein with vegetables. Protein and carbohydrates (like rice, potatoes, bread, etc should not be consumed together, because both require different digestion patterns.
• Avoid consuming too many foods in one meal.
Eat fruits and vegetables separately. Eating fruits or vegetables at meals will only slow down the digestion.
• Do not drink anything while chewing food. Drinking, chewing food will only make the digestive juices become diluted and less effective.
With so digestion will be slow.
• Do not be too much intake of fiber. Fiber is good for digestion, but if excessive amounts of fiber can damage our intestines. Even if we consume less water, the fibers can block the intestines. To avoid this then eat a diet rich in fiber, so that we no longer need to consume additional fiber separately.
• Eat in relaxed atmosphere . In atmosphere on stress or strain, try to control stress during eating. Turn off the television, avoid heavy discussions at the dinner table, and turn off the phone. Even better we avoid eating when we're stress and drinking water only until you feel calm.
• Drink 8-10 glasses of water per day. Starting with two glasses when I wake up, one glass every half an hour before meals, and one or two glasses after a meal. Water serves as a lubricant to keep your stomach working smoothly. Adequate water intake also helps absorption of nutrients and make our blood less viscous.
• Trend back to nature be a treatment of various diseases, especially degenerative diseases. Herbal medicine is one of nature by utilizing the content of medicinal plants. This method is relatively inexpensive because the ingredients to make it available in the environment around us or the plant itself.
Health Secret of Tumeric (Kunyit), PT Elex Media Komputindo, Jakarta, 2011

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